Long live! … Mabuhay!” (Long live! Oyster = talaba 21. Very Frequent. Take your time to learn around 20 hard words and then deeply understand its meaning by constructing sentences and using them in your day-to-day interactions. Just asked my very Tagalog aunt from Lucena, you're right about gúgò, ngángà, and súso OTL and I totally forgot about suso also being a verb! Practically all the definitions given here are mine and I haven't double checked and validated all of them (yet). Filipino Vocabulary. I think its brilliant! Salamat po. Monkey = unggoy 20. áà (noun/adj, baby talk) dirt, dirty;óo (particle) yes, affirmative;úù (noun/verb) poop, to poop [softer version of táe, often used when talking to kids or more polite company]; an-án (noun) a kind of skin infection;ék-ek (noun/root?, slang) quirkiness, bullshit;éng-eng (adj, mild insult) dumb, in a cloudcuckoolander kind of way [very mild insult, may possibly be used as a term of endearment];is-ís (verb/noun) to scrub; something used for scrubbing, usually sponge or steel wool [originally referred specifically to a plant that was used for scrubbing, but the term has over time come to refer mostly just to the act]; bábà (noun) [1] lowness; [2] chin;babâ (verb) to go down;bíbe (noun) duckling [duck is ítik];bóbo (noun/adj, offensive) stupid [mostly in an intellectual way]; kíkì (noun, vulgar) female genitalia;kukó (noun) fingernails; dadâ (noun/verb) chatter, to chatter;déde (noun) breasts, milk [softer version of súsò, often used when talking to kids or more polite company];dódò (noun) [same as déde but slightly less common]; gága (noun/adj, fem, vulgar) stupid, idiot [mostly in a decision-making way(? ); can be used as a term of endearment if sufficiently close with the person, regardless of gender; male/default counterpart is gágo which is less endearing];gúgò (noun, not commonly used) a plant that lathers and is used to clean scalp, native shampoo; {This part is mostly just my interpretation}haha (onomatopoeia) generic laugh;hehe (onomatopoeia) playful/teasing laugh;hihi (onomatopoeia) flirty/childish laugh;huhu (onomatopoeia) generic crying; lalâ (noun) severity;lólo (noun) grandfather [grandmother is lóla]; máma, mamá (noun) mother, mom;mámà (noun) a man who is middle-aged or older [when used as a direct adress, it becomes mámang plus the name of the person, and is almost always shortened to just mang; the female counterpart is ále/áling];méme (verb, baby talk) to sleep;múmo (noun) bits of rice left on one's plate or on the table after eating;múmù (noun) ghost [softer version of multó, often used when talking to kids or when wanting to sound childish/cute]; nánà (noun) pus;Nénè (noun) generic placeholder name for girls; nénè in small caps can be used to mean a little girl in general [the male counterpart for the first function is Juán, and tótoy for the second one];núnò (noun) ancestor [short for ninúnò] but most often used in the mythological context of a dwarf-like old man supposedly living in mounds of earth [they're called núnò sa punsô]; ngángà (noun) a kind of gum made from betel nuts and leaves, popular in the Northern regions of Luzon;ngangá (verb) to open one's mouth;ngóngò (noun/adj) someone who speaks in a nasally muffled manner; sounding nasally muffled {when you hold your nose shut and try to speak, you sound ngóngò}. Monico's mechanic mechanically fixed the Minica of Monica. Oo…. Can you show me some example usages? /( how are you? How long? And even these words couldn’t adequately explain how kilig truly feels. I can help you learn Tagalog. Good to hear that. It’s funny how some words in the language are literally just Spanish words. What are the differences among the diacritic marks? Obviously, dictionaries have space constraints, and the average person would have no need to know the technical names of chemicals. How long? Here's a pretty long list of examples of Spanish words in Tagalog. Tagalog syllables have a relatively simple structure. Unlike other languages, the slang words of the Filipinos are truly on a caliber of its own. Tumagal siya sa hirap. always thought this meant female genetalia, sudsód (verb) to have a moving object suddenly stop by having the leading edge touch a surface. The Philippines has been under Spanish rule for quite a long time. If you need to learn just ten basic Tagalog words to get by, here’s a list of useful phrases to impress your Filipino friends with. In fact, pronouncing words in Tagalog is actually easier than in English because there are no silent letters. When speaking in Tagalog to someone older than you, add po to words, phrases and sentences. "&gt;;supsúp (verb) to suck something [may have sexual connotations];sutsót (verb) to scold or call someone out using "psst" or whistling; takták (verb) to empty the contents of a container by tapping it against something;tadtád (adj) rife, covered in or riddled with something; (verb) to chop finely;tastás (verb/adj) to rip off the stitches of a cloth; to have ripped stitching;Taytáy (noun) a municipality in Rizal Province, Philippines;tiktík (noun) a mythical shape-shifting creature that feeds on unborn babies [also known by the more commom term aswáng]; (noun, not very common usage) detective;tingtíng (noun) the sticks that make up a broomstick;tuktók (noun) peak, topmost part;tugtóg (noun/verb) music; to play or make music;tuntón (verb) to find the whereabouts of;tungtóng (verb) to stand on top of;tustós (verb) to spend for, to give financial support; wakwák (adj/verb) ripped apart; to rip apart [as in cloth]; (noun) a mythical creature similar to the tiktík;wagwág (verb) to wag;walwál (verb, colloquial) to finally let loose after a period of stress {usualy translates to getting wasted after exams in my uni lol};wáng-wang (noun, modern) sirens that grant easier passage through traffic (such as used by police, ambulance, and firefighters), which translates to the mentality of some people that they deserve special passes or privileges because of their position in society; yugyóg (verb) to rock or shake back and forth {yugyog is also what happens when you go hard on the dance floor, or to the bed when people make love, hence why yugyugan is a term that can be applied for either dancing or sex};yupyóp (verb, obscure) to brood or sit on eggs until they hatch [the less obscure term is limlím]; plá-pla noun a triangle-shaped illegal firework that produces large explosions and is infamous for taking many fingers every new year; alaála (noun) memories;Iloílo (noun) a province located in Western Visayas, Philippines;ipo-ípo (noun) whirlwind, tornado;otso-ótso (noun) a kind of dance popularized in the early 2000s where hands are put on the knees and the back is moved up and down {it's extremely popular, enough that everyone knows what it is, so I thought it belongs here. And thank you for reading this far :D, /u/nkktngnmn2 (some corrections + hawhaw, liglig, and sudsod), /u/silentmajority1932 (many many additions), /u/numquamsolus (muni-muni and dili-dili), gúgò and ngángà both end with glottal stops, no? Tagalong definition is - one that persistently and often annoyingly follows the lead of another. me too , very hard language to learn , back in school i passed spanish with flying colors and failed my english , to appoint; to promote;luslós (noun) hernia; manmán (verb) to observe carefully, to monitor;mangmáng (noun/adj, mild insult) dim-witted [cannot be used as term of affection];Mikmik (noun) a popular powdered milk or chocolate candy in the Philippines;mingming (noun?) We’ll soon be adding images or PDF files you can download. Drive = maneho 9. The consonant /ŋ/ can occur at the beginning of words. Pencil = la… Tagalog Slang Words. manipis; woman. néknek. 1. I know you know the feeling ladies and gentlemen, the anticipation, that crazy yet subtle excitement when your cell phone beeps after sending some sweet Tagalog love quotes to that cutie next door. “po” and Upo is usually used for an older person like mother , father , grandparents and so on.!! In the case of verbs, it would be helpful to show the verb type. I think mingming is more Cebuano. Edit: Apologies, it seems to be more complicated than I thought :( I think the transitivity is already implicit in the definition, but I might just add some examples later to help better illustrate how they're used. idk. Thus, despite its spelling, the word Filipino is pronounced as /pilipino/. … If I got a word wrong or if anyone has any additional words to add, please leave a comment! adhikain - goal, objective, strive to attain, being desired Dictionaries omit the name of this protein and many other long words. She said it’s okay to use po and opo with everyone, but the older generation is more likely to expect you to use po and opo, which is probably why this article specifically recommends using them with the older generation. kuto; snake. leftover food from restaurants; to scavenge for leftover food from restaurants {the implication is that the food is what one would have pagpag-ed away};pámpam (noun/adj, slang) attention seeker [the non-slang word is papansín]paspás (adj/verb) brisk; to move briskly;patpát (noun) a thin wooden stick {a classic household weapon like Mexican chanclas; means "very thin" when used to describe a person};paypáy (noun/verb) a non-electric fan; to fan something or someone;pékpek (noun, vulgar) female genitalia;pitpít (verb/adj) to flatten something via blunt or pinching force; something that's been flattened in that manner;pókpok (noun, vulgar) whore;pukpók (verb) to pound or hammer something;pudpód (adj/verb) made blunt from overuse; to wear down the surface of something from overuse;pulpól (adj) blunt, dull [unlike pudpod this can be used as to insult someone not perceived as a bright or sharp person];puspós (adj, archaic) fully, wholeheartedly ["puspos ng luwalhati ang langit at lupa" = "heaven and earth are filled with your glory"]; ratrát (verb) to riddle with bullet holes; sabsáb (noun, archaic?) How long have you been here? Been here 15 years this month and no one has taken the time to teach me. Idiot 1 fooled idiot 2 who let idiot 1 fool himself. cause something to reach a certain point You can say “opo or po” if she or he is older than You, if younger than You, then just say their name. You also feel gigil when you see an enemy you have been longing to crush for a long time but couldn’t. Salamat or thanks would suffice as well. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something. The second edition includes an audio CD. Hello Theresa, I am interested to learn Tagalog. Untranslatable sentence: Hindi ako galit sa’yo, masama lang loob ko sa’yo.. 4| Gigil. She said “I speak English and that’s good enough.”, She’s right. The only things that are not represented in spelling are: (1) long vowels, and (2) glottal stops [IPA symbol: ʔ] at the end of words. when used as a title;boka-bóka (noun) a type of kite made from folded paper;kilikíli (noun) armpits;kitikití (noun) mosquito larvae, often found in containers with stagnant water {also used to describe kids who move too much in a wriggling fashion -- "para kang kitikiti" = "you're like a kitikiti"};dilidili (verb, obscure) to think deeply about something;gamugamó (noun) winged ants/termites, moth;guniguní (noun) baseless speculation {like imagination, but in a negative way -- "akala ko may nakita ako, pero baka guniguni ko lang yon" = "I thought I saw something, but that's probably just my imagination"};haka-hákà (noun) speculation;halo-hálò (noun) a famous summertime dessert made from various ingredients mixed with milk and crushed ice;lapu-lápu (noun) grouper fish;Lapu-Lápu (noun) a datu from Mactan, Philippines, considered as the first Filipino hero for defeating Ferdinand Magellan's forces and resisting the Spanish Empire when they first arrived in the archipelago in 1521;lawaláwà (noun, obscure/deep) house spiders;maya-máya (noun) red snapper;mayá-mayà (adv) a short while later {closer to the present than mamaya};muni-múni (verb) to meditate or reflect on something;ngala-ngalá (noun) palate, roof of the mouth {sometimes also used to mean uvula, though the actual and more obscure word for uvula is tilao};palupálò (noun, kinda obscure) a wooden paddle used for beating laundry [pálò means to beat or slap];palu-pálò (noun) a folk dance from Batanes where dancers emulate a mock battle by hitting sticks;paruparó (noun) butterfly;Tawi-Táwì (adv) the southernmost province of the Philippines, located in Mindanao; habal-hábal (noun) a mode of transportation prevalent in some provinces where up to 10 or so people ride a single motorcycle by balancing on a long beam laid across it [from Bisaya];sapin-sapín (noun) a Filipino delicacy made of rice flour and coconut that has multicolored layers [sapín means a cloth that is used to cover a surface for protection, or to cover something with cloth];siyam-siyám (noun, slightly archaic/obscure) rain that lasts for nine days and nine nights, traditionally signalling the start of the rainy season [the word for nine is siyam] {nowadays it's only ever used in the expression "abutan ng siyam-siyam," or "get caught in siyam-siyam," often said by older folks when someone is taking too long to do something; it's often just pronounced /sham-sham/ but it's easier to put under here than in CVC}; lumba-lumba (noun, archaic/obscure) dolphin;túmba-tumba (noun, slightly outdated) rocking chair; This took me 8 hours to type on mobile my gOD I hope it shows up correctly, This is very much open for improvements and suggestions, so suggest away! Most syllables are either open (end in a vowel) or in /m, n, ŋ/. It usually features masterful use of two to three letters, playful modifications of Tagalog words, and Taglish (a combination of Tagalog and English). Gugo is a plant that lathers and is used to clean scalp. And good point, habal-habal is Cebuano in origin, but it's still something that's easily understood by most Filipino speakers despite it not being Tagalog. malapad; thick. With Glossika, you can jump-start your Tagalog learning journey! If you need to learn just ten basic Tagalog words to get by, here’s a list of useful phrases to impress your Filipino friends with. So a word in Tagalog sounds exactly as it looks like it would sound. I did define it as female genitalia at first but second guessed myself before posting, guess I should have stuck to my guns. ahas, sawa; … I just remembered that exercise a few days ago after seeing this post and after some procrastination I finally got to type it down! Lap = kandungan 18. There are many Filipino dialects languages, Pilipino (formerly Tagalog) is the official one. “Pipitikin ko yang tenga mo pag ‘di ka sumunod sa inuutos ko!” Pitik could either mean flip, flick or snap by using the fingers. The Tagalog word for “word” is salita. notify; pay attention to; take care of Godbless, I think I embarrassed myself infront of the fam . A (very long) list of Tagalog words with repeating syllables A few years ago I put this list down on paper just for fun because I was amused at how many words with repeating syllables Tagalog has. Looking at the table above, notice the first syllable of words except for the first one. I painted the suggestions in watercolor, along with a bunch more thrown in! notify; pay attention to; take care of Sana ko ay magsasailta ng wikang tagalog soon 😉. A vocabulary usually grows and evolves with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Learn Tagalog phrases, Tagalog expressions, Tagalog words and much more. I've always thought that déde is pronounced as dédè. I just remembered that exercise a few days ago after seeing this post and after some procrastination I finally got to type it down! Welcome to Tagalog-Dictionary.com, the best site to learn the Filipino language, culture, and traditions. Whether it be through lack of use or proper education from school, a variety of words are in danger of disuse. &gt; {the less deep, more commonly used synonym is banláw};Háw Haw (noun) a popular milk candy in the Philippines;hinhín (noun/adj) meekness;hithít (verb) to inhale a substance {think cigarettes or meth};huthót (verb) to extort; laklák (verb) to drink thirstily, to chug [often used in the context of alcohol];ladlád (verb) to expose by unfolding or unfurling; (slang) to come out of the closet;laglág (verb) [1] to fall down from a high place; [2] to be aborted, to have an abortion; (slang) to be exposed by friends [usually meant in jest];lamlám (noun/adj, slightly outdated?) Pulchritudinous, polyphiloprogenitive, and more. The only things that are not represented in spelling are: (1) long vowels, and (2) glottal stops [IPA symbol: ʔ] at the end of words. Dictionaries omit the name of this protein and many other long words. Dec 17, 2015 - Explore Ley Balanza's board "Tagalog Quotes ⚡️" on Pinterest. Pitfall #1: Tagalog makes a subtle difference between long and short vowels. hi tony I am doing tutorial with Filipino language. Minekaniko nang mekaniko ni Monico ang makina nang Minica ni Monica. Liwayway, it’s spelled as kumusta. n. a length ; adj. “Mabuti” means “I’m fine.” It is usually the response to “Kamusta?” (How are you?). If anyone needs an example of usage or any further clarifications, please leave a comment! Thanks, I am Tony, I live in London, England. Native Tagalog words are generally pronounced as they are spelled. NEW: Hire Tagalog teachers on Tagalog.com for one-on-one lessons online! https://www.tagaloglang.com/mabuti/, Mabuti means good/ fine. Both are actually right but the more formal way of saying “kamusta” is “kumusta”. Coffee = cafe 5. makapal, ispiso; heavy. Your email address will not be published. I’d love to learn. Mabuhay can be used to say Hello or Welcome. 1. Long vowels are slightly emphasized. (an object’s length) Gaano katagal? Elephant = elepante 10. Gigil is the overwhelming feeling that you suppress, such as eagerness fondness, or anger, typically marked by gritting of teeth. Gago ka jollibee mas masarap yung mga pagkain ko kesa sayo… with unli rice pa ^-^ <3, Tng ina nyo mas masikat pa ang pagka inan ko, Hello from kenya i really love the philipines language…would love to learn tagalog. wow.. i recommended this site to my brother-in-law who wanted to learn tagalog. Brass cups, cups of brass. Whether it be through lack of use or proper education from school, a variety of words are in danger of disuse. And yes, these Ilocano words can confuse Filipino speakers. It's the only usage I know of this word};saksák (noun/verb) stab wounds; to stab someone; (verb) to forcefully insert something into somewhere; (verb) to plug an appliance;sadsád (verb) to run aground;salsál (verb, vulgar) to masturbate;samsám (verb) to collate;sangsáng (noun/adj) strong smell; strong smelling;sapsáp (noun) slipmouth fish;satsát (noun) idle chatter;sawsáw (verb) [1] to dip something {think fries in ketchup or chicharon in vinegar}; [2] to suddenly jump into a conversation without invitation {might be slang};saysáy (noun) importance, meaning ["ano ang saysay" = "what's the point"];siksík (verb/adj) = to insert oneself or something into a space that's already tightly packed; tightly packed, completely filled;singsíng (noun) ring [as in for fingers];sipsíp (verb) to sip; (noun, slang) a suckup;sitsít (noun/verb) "psst"; to call someone using "psst";subsób (verb) to dive headfirst into something and be buried in it;suksók (verb) to insert something into somewhere;sudsód (verb) to have a moving object suddenly stop by having the leading edge touch a surface, to stub &lt;"Napasudsod ang paa sa bakô sa kalsada dahil hindi natingin sa dinadaanan. It usually features masterful use of two to three letters, playful modifications of Tagalog words, and Taglish (a combination of Tagalog and English). Inglis ako (I’m English) and slowly learning Tagalog. ... Related Filipino Words: lang na lang l a mang kanalang. that they would probably require another list altogether haha. A good state or condition, you 're just in time for a long tagalog words but! Chat-Mate in modern parlance ) and slowly learning Tagalog transitive/intransitive, sure sound formal and polite regardless age. Learned a lot of Tagalog, Tagalog, Tagalog love Quotes, hmmm 1 fooled idiot 2 who let 1... Mean “ good ” and people I meet tho t adequately explain how kilig truly feels Basic! 15 Filipino words and NEOLOGISMS ( i.e and opo can be used to extreme., suman Steamed buns, pork dumplings, rice cake large database of English to Tagalog are generally as... Don ’ t use po or upo by replying or asking a question to your.! 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