There are 15 ribs on a plant with hard and sharp spines along the curved edges. Its natural habitat is rocky areas. ‘Pepe’ is best planted in a pot spacious enough for it to produce offshoots. The plant does not tolerate cold conditions so it needs to be brought indoors or in a greenhouse come winter. It is native to eastern and southern Africa, as well as to Yemen and Madagascar. The new shoots are light green and bear leaves that soon drop over time. x Graptoveria are succulent plants that are hybrid crosses between Graptopetalum and Echeveria. The name comes from the ancient Greek “adros” (meaning thick) and “mischos” (meaning stem). Many are continually being crossbred by nurseries worldwide, with new cultivars appearing on the market nearly every week! A correct name is … Aloes are known for their striking foliage but A. albida is well-received not just for the messy but attractive slender leaves but for the flowers it produces too. Most lose their lower leaves in winter; as a result, after a few years, the plants lose their compact appearance and need to be re-rooted or propagated. Too much moisture causes the roots and the base of the plant to rot. It is a small plant that fits small containers but tends to grow lanky in the shade. The teardrop-shaped leaves are arranged in a rosette form and each fleshy leaf is frosty white in color. When it has overgrown the pot, the trunk tends to grow uneven over time. In spring, small yellow daisy-like flowers bring contrast and make the plant even more attractive. It will renew its hard leaves yearly and will require little to no water to prevent the leaves from bursting. The plant produces large night-blooming white flowers but these are rarely seen in an ornamentally grown species. There are plenty more. The only special treatment it requires is to have a spacious room for its sprawling habit to prosper. It can also be allowed to grow a tree-like form in the garden. Sedum polytrichoides ‘Chocolate Ball’, 57. Since succulents are very particular with their water requirement, it is necessary to grow them with other plants that share the same needs, especially in the garden. © 2021 Succulent Alley. The large flowers appear along the ribs with multiple yellow petals and golden centers. Types of Cacti I. Cacti Buying Guide. Portulaca is especially well-suited for growing in containers on patios and decks, with its fleshy, succulent leaves, red stems, and colorful cactus-like flowers in shades of red, orange, yellow, pink, purple and white. Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, Common Ice Plant, 52. Although the plant is relatively small, the stems are slender and may flop over time. Considered to be the most ancient lineage of bromeliads, they are endemic to arid and high-altitude regions of Brazil and the central part of South America. Crassula is a genus of succulent plants containing about 200 accepted species, including the popular jade plant (Crassula ovata). Hard pointed spines are alternately arranged on each rib in spring, some are lucky to have showy pink or purple flowers growing on top of the plant. The stout smooth trunk of the plant produces multiple thick grayish-green fleshy branches with a terminal rosette of flat and veined leaves. There are about 100 succulent Senecios. It is threatened by habitat loss. Jensenobotrya is a genus of succulent plant in the family Aizoaceae that is endemic to Namibia. When grown in clusters in the garden, the fine stems create a soft element in the landscape from afar. The stem tapers where stems grow to produce long thick dark green leaves and pink trumpet-like flowers. One of the species, Senecio vitalis, once made headlines for resembling a mermaid's tail. Perennially growing from its underground bulb, this geophyte is known for its clumps of long strand-like silvery green leaves that dramatically curl at the ends. This cactus is short and round and is one of the common cacti cultivated as houseplants. Succulent Identification Chart: 64 Types Of Succulents With Pictures. Abundant, almond-scented, daisy-like white or pink flowers appear throughout the summer. All species in this genus are highly succulent, highly reduced, and exhibit tessellation on their stems' surface. The stems are initially upright but as they grow and bear compact bean-like leaves, the stems become heavy and they droop like a tail from the container which is the inspiration for the common name. They are native to southern Africa. For the severed stem, make a clean cut as well and once it has dried and formed callus, you can plant it in porous soil where it will eventually develop new roots. This striking medium-sized potted succulent can be easily mistaken as a rose flower. They look like bouquets of yellow or orange asters ready to be picked. In horticulture, what probably comes to mind when talking about succulents are the striking small rose-like plants made of thick fleshy green leaves often found in small pots decorating tabletops. The entire genus is endemic to Madagascar and is concentrated in the far south of the island. The attractive flowers that form on top are daisy-like with white-reddish ombre petals and a yellow center. Each stem bears a bright red or orange flower head on the tip. One characteristic specific to cacti is the presence of specialized parts called areolas. Adenium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1819. This popular desert tree is known for … Some succulent species and varieties have colored foliage such as Echeveria, Kalanchoe, and Sedum. 2015. Although they can grow on the ground, this succulent is better off potted to conveniently move indoors during winter. The plants were first described as a genus in 1965; the name “Pseudo-lithos” means “false-stone” and refers to their pebble-like appearance. The Stapelia hairs, coloration and surface mimic decaying animal matter and attract mostly flies, which act as pollinators. Phylogenetic studies have shown the genus to be monophyletic, and most closely related to the stapeliad genera Richtersveldtia and Notechidnopsis. Pachyphytum is a small genus of succulents in the Crassulaceae family, native from Mexico, lands at 600 to 1,500 metres (2,000 to 4,900 ft) high. They are small plants: they reach 20-25 cm in height, they have a slow growth. Examples of Trachyandra is a genus of plant in the family Asphodelaceae, subfamily Asphodeloideae, first described as a genus in 1843. Aside from the probably uneven or less attractive looking plant, there is not a lot to worry about because the plant will still grow. The roots are fibrous and it has no rhizome. In addition, if not removed, the shed leaves may decay, harboring fungus that can then infect the plant. P. 288. Flowers ranging from red to yellow appear clustered on top of the stem. Previously called Stapelia longipes, this plant also produces compact clumps of curved stems. The petals are fused into a tube, in a similar way to some related genera such as Cotyledon. A significant percentage is succulent, but they are mostly originating from Africa and Madagascar. When present, these small hairs help plants capture water and nutrients and transport them to the root zone. The Burro’s Tail also has a habit of producing long, trailing … E. petersii develops an intensive root system since it needs to gather all the moisture it can find so when planting in containers, it is best to choose a deep and wide pot. Most are small and inconspicuous when not in bloom. It is extremely drought-tolerant but unlike other cacti that store water in their ribs, mammillaria has specialized parts called tubercles that expand as water storage. Each stem is covered in golden spines that curve inward and they can grow up to half a foot long. A few species occur in summer rainfall parts of southern Africa. Echidnopsis is a genus of succulent, cactus-like plants in the family Apocynaceae. Many succulents like cacti are found thriving in deserts and arid regions. B. mesembryanthemoides is a succulent that originates from southern Africa. A smaller plant in the group, A. albopilosa only grows up to a foot tall so it is the perfect agave to grow indoors. Most cacti are hardy and durable. T. singularis grows best in shaded areas and damp but not soggy soils. G. stellatum is among the popular cacti referred to by growers as gymno. Echinopsis aurea, Golden Easter Lily Cactus, 19. Adromischus is a genus of easily propagated leaf succulents from the Crassulaceae family. Echeveria is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae, native to semi-desert areas of Central America, Mexico and northwestern South America. They are native to eastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. This type of succulent is best grown outdoors where the open environment is airy and fully lit. They are easily propagated by seed. Dinteranthus is a genus of plants in the family Aizoaceae. The anticipated flowers only bloom when the plant is exposed to full sunlight. A. americana is best known for its sturdy rosette of toothed blue-green leaves. The rosette of leaves is shiny and curved and instead of the usual green color, they come in deep red with a lighter shade towards the margin. It is an effective ground cover with flower-like mature gray-green leaves. Members of the genus are shrublets, generally succulent, with fleshily woody, brittle stems and persistent succulent leaves. The aster-like flowers come in yellow, orange, purple, and red appearing in spring to summer. Frithia is a genus of succulent plant in family Aizoaceae, indigenous to several small rocky areas in the vicinity of Gauteng Province, South Africa. The plants blend in among the stones as a means of protection. Aloe vera is a … While most of them are native to the Canary Islands, some are found in Madeira, Morocco, and in East Africa (for example in the Semien Mountains of Ethiopia). Click on an image of a succulent plant to embiggen it. The strong carrion scent is sometimes recognisable at a great distance, especially on hot afternoons. The plant appears as a compact, symmetrical agave with succulent leaves. The mature two feet tall plant owes its height to the large tuberous stem called caudiciform that looks like a giant potato. When it comes to growing media, all succulents need well-draining soil. Tavaresia is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1902. The horizontally-symmetrical long triangular gray-green leaves sit on top of each other, looking like a multi-pronged trident without the handle. It has dark, almost black leaves on a short stem that grows no more than 10 cm high. A few species have also become naturalized in other regions (Mediterranean, India, Australia, North and South America, Hawaiian Islands, etc.). Many of them do not require a lot of space so they will fit well in small pots by the window or in narrow planter boxes outdoors. Monanthes is a genus of small, succulent, subtropical plants of the family Crassulaceae. There are variegated ones with white margins too. Y. gigantea is a tree-type succulent that reaches up to 10 meters high. This beautiful succulent is made of small teardrop-shaped plump leaves that look fluffy due to the white fur-like structure covering them. Most are shrubs or perennial herbaceous plants, but a few are annual or biennial. A typical mesem that grows low and close to the ground, M. crystallinum is easily identified because of its mesmerizing leaf formation. They are better placed in sunny locations where the soil can dry and air circulation is good. Most agaves rarely flower but when they do, it is usually towards the end of their life cycle. Sansevieria, commonly known as Snake Plant or Mother-in-law tongue, is a historically recognized genus of flowering plants in the Dracaenaceae family. Fenestraria is a monotypic genus comprising only one species and one subspecies. For more varieties of plants and flowers, check out our guide! They normally grow in sandy or rocky areas but can be cultivated and potted indoors too. There are many commercially available insecticides in local stores like Lannate and Furadan. The plants are active in the summer and should be kept dry in the winter, except the popular Pleiospilos nelli, which requires water throughout the winter if it is to do well. Naturally, low water plants just like cacti and succulents are the top choices for xeriscapes. Frequently the flowers are colored a variation of red, yellow or brown. Also called the lucky plant, this succulent is a popular houseplant. In favourable conditions they spread rapidly via offsets, and several species are valued in cultivation as groundcover for dry, sunny locations. P. appendiculatum is known for its silvery-green feather-like leaves that form in clumps atop a very short stem. Most of the time, A. namaquensis in pots droops and starts to produce tall stalks bearing small yellow butterfly-like flowers. 2019. What’s interesting about the plant is the grayish-brown to muted moss green color of the stem. They are arranged in a rosette pattern growing no more than 5 cm big.