Read full article on mongolian blue spots. If your discoloration is caused by environmental factors, such as excessive sun exposure or pollution, the best way to prevent it from getting worse is to protect your skin. Urgent care may be required. Some skin discoloration disorders result in cosmetic or psychological concerns to the patient, necessitating evaluation and treatment. Some causes for discolored skin patches are fairly minor conditions that need only simple treatment. You should love the skin you’re in, and at Aesthetic & Dermatology Center, our goal is to give you skin you’re proud of. Pregnancy, sun exposure, and natural changes in our skin can cause uneven pigmentation. Skin Discoloration Treatment What is skin discoloration? If you're noticing white spots on your face, here's what may be causing…. Allergic reactions to foods, plants, or irritants can also result in discolored skin patches in various areas of the body. Read full article on squamous cell carcinoma. Argyria is a rare condition that causes the skin to turn blue or gray. This triggers inflammation throughout the body, resulting in various symptoms, including swelling and redness. Skin discoloration is characterized by the appearance of darker or lighter spots that appear on the skin. If your healthcare provider suspects that an underlying condition is causing your discolored skin patches, they will order certain diagnostic tests to pinpoint the cause. Then, enter your desired appointment location and choose your insurance plan. Our skin contains melanin, which is responsible for the color of our skin. The condition can cause scaly patches and red bumps that ooze or crust over. Here are some of the most effective home remedies for skin discoloration. The sun’s powerful energy can cause age spots, freckles, sun spots, and other forms of skin discoloration on exposed areas such as the face, chest, and hands. In these cases, laser treatments for skin discoloration may not work as well as hoped, even after several sessions. They are a common problem with a wide array of potential causes. Learn why this happens and how to safely manage the condition. Treatment Guide; Discoloration; Discoloration. Topical steroids such as fluticasone propionate, betamethasone valerate, or hydrocortisone butyrate. Some common treatments we prescribe at Aesthetic & Dermatology Center are: During a consultation with Dr. Green, he will determine the cause of your skin discoloration to develop a personalized treatment plan that will treat the cause of your discoloration. There are several types of skin cancer, all requiring treatment: Most discolored skin patches aren’t caused by skin cancer. Skin discoloration, which appears on the face, can be effectively covered with a foundation or concealer, but this is just a temporary solution. Years of sun exposure may have left your clear, evenly colored skin looking dull and blotchy. Topical creams: Topical hydroquinone or prescription retinol (vitamin A) cream may help decrease the appearance of dark skin patches. Managing skin discoloration. Skin discoloration can have many causes. Getting older is a privilege, but you don’t have to settle for changes in your skin that you don’t love. Like certain autoimmune diseases, eczema triggers an immune reaction that attacks the skin. It can take time to reverse dark elbows. However, a solid skin care plan coupled with home remedies or medicated products can help. However, this also means that our skin’s pigmentation can sometimes become uneven when there is an increase or decrease in melanin, causing skin discoloration. How are discolored skin patches evaluated? Laser Therapy. Be confident in your care and your skin. Talk to your healthcare provider about your options so you can determine which treatment is best for you. However, you should ask your healthcare provider to examine any misshapen moles or other rapidly changing skin lesions. However, changes in the size or shape of these spots can signal trouble and should be checked by your healthcare provider. Options include lasers, intense pulsed light (IPL), and chemical peels. Dr. Green at Aesthetic & Dermatology Center is a leading expert in treating skin conditions that cause skin discoloration. They will also ask you a series of questions about your skin changes. This is because good daily skin care practices can offer both prevention and treatment of discoloration. Some Steps to Follow » What Are the Reasons Behind Skin Discoloration? The incidence of skin discoloration from minocycline varies from 2.4% to almost 15% [53, 54 ]. Once treated, it can take several weeks for your rashes to…, Different types of eczema that can be triggered by different things such as allergens, irritants, emotional stress, extreme temperatures, and more…. Some forms of skin discoloration are entirely normal, such as freckles or birthmarks. Some other common causes of skin discoloration are: If your skin is starting to change color in patches and you’re not sure why, you should consult Dr. Green at Aesthetic & Dermatology Center. According to "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies," applying castor oil to discoloration twice daily may help smooth out the skin as well and break down excess melanin. These reactions can range from red rashes and blisters to skin lightening or darkening. Melanin is the substance that provides color to the skin and protects it from the sun. Drink tea: Drinking tea made from burdock, red clover, or milk thistle might reduce skin discoloration. Here's why they develop, what to look out for, and how they're treated. Soy. Be prepared to discuss: Make sure to notify your healthcare provider about any sunburns and other skin injuries. When there is an overproduction of melanin in a given area, it can result in skin discoloration there. You can search for doctors for Skin Discoloration or any other visit reason. It can also indicate late-stage…, For most people, eczema is a lifelong condition that consists of occasional flare-ups. Actinic keratosis is a fairly common skin condition. Discolored skin patches are irregular areas where there are changes in skin color. Skin discoloration is not always something that needs to be treated, but if your discoloration is new or is causing you either physical or emotional distress, call Rockville and the greater DC area’s leading dermatologist, Dr. Green. These factors may play a role in your skin changes. Castor oil: Apply castor oil to discolored areas twice per day, or wear a bandage soaked in castor oil … We’ll show you. If you notice these symptoms of … Skin discoloration is a common condition, and causes the skin to become darker (hyperpigmentation), reddened, develop flat patches of lighter skin, in certain areas. » How to Get Rid Of Facial Skin Discoloration? Dr. Banda tailors a treatment plan to manage and reduce your ankle discoloration A starting point for treatment is compression therapy. Moles, which are brown or black spots that can appear on the skin at birth. Rockville, Md 20850, For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. Regardless of skin type or the cause of discoloration, patients with uneven skin tone universally benefit from a comprehensive skin care plan. Skin discoloration or skin pigmentation disorders of the skin are commonly benign and easily distinguishable based on appearance and location, it may be necessary to perform a skin biopsy to exclude melanoma and its precursors 13). Sour milk contains lactic acid; hence it is used as an effective home remedy for dark skin. These changes often occur due to increased levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. This includes applying broad-spectrum SPF 15 or higher each and every day and pairing it with an antioxidant product that can help neutralize free radicals, like SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic . Read full article on basal cell carcinoma. Lemon juice: Apply lemon juice twice per day to lighten skin areas that have darkened. Your skin is one of your most precious assets, and having confidence in your skin is an essential part of self-love and self-care. Skin discoloration or hyperpigmentation can develop over time due to a variety of factors, from sun exposure to aging. Here are 10 of the best keto protein bars. Lasers offer a variety of benefits for the skin. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Skin pigmentation disorders. Last medically reviewed on April 15, 2016. Vitamin C: Eat foods rich in vitamin C, an essential nutrient for skin health. Learn more about managing radiation-related skin side effects in the Radiation Therapy section. It’s important to speak with your healthcare provider if you notice rapid or bothersome changes in your skin. Sour Milk. Port-wine stains, which are flat patches that appear pink or red. You should also tell your healthcare provider if you’re pregnant or taking any hormone treatments. Some autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus and Graves’ disease, may attack the skin and cause changes in skin color. The appropriate treatment for skin discoloration depends on the cause of your skin discoloration. In an experimental rat study, pigmentation of the thyroid gland was prevented by ascorbic acid [ 30 ]. In addition to kojic acid and niacinamide, … Certain forms of skin discoloration may fade with over-the-counter solutions and self-care, while some skin diseases require ongoing management with the help of … They will recommend the best course of treatment according to skin tone, discoloration severity, and tolerated downtime. Don’t settle for skin you don’t love. Skin cancer is very serious, but it can be treated successfully when it is detected early. Potential treatments for this skin discoloration include topical (applied on the skin) bleaching agents, such as hydroquinone, and laser treatments. By tracking young eczema patients over years, researchers shed light on the longevity of atopic dermatitis. The lesions and the treatment alike can leave lasting skin discoloration changes. They are caused by swollen blood vessels under the skin. This may reduce the appearance of discolored skin patches in six to eight weeks. Protein bars make a great snack, but finding keto-friendly ones can be a challenge. SkinCeuticals Discoloration Defense Multi-Phase Serum. Most moles aren’t cause for concern. If a person has lighter or darker skin patches, this may signify a skin … In people with autoimmune diseases and allergies, however, the immune system confuses healthy cells for something foreign and attacks them by mistake. For example: 44. On top of being great for discoloration, they can also help with acne and other chronic skin conditions. Make sure to discuss the side effects, cost, and effectiveness of each treatment. This discoloration happens when the body comes into contact with excessive amounts of silver. Unfortunately, some pigmentation changes that occur during the summer can lead to the development of very dangerous cancers, especially when they begin to develop an irregular shape and change their color. Skin cancer may occur when the genetic material in skin cells becomes damaged, often from long-term sun damage or exposure to chemicals. Noticing that your skin tone is uneven can cause you to be concerned or frustrated. Lemon Juice is an excellent remedy to lighten dark discolored skin patches. OTC ointments like Vitamin A cream and Vitamin E cream can help in treating discolored and dry flaky skin on the face. Birthmarks are discolored skin spots that can develop at birth or after birth. 9601 Blackwell Rd, Suite 260 The damage may cause the cells to grow out of control and form a mass of cancer cells. Laser treatment was successfully used in two cases [ 51, 52 ]. Fruits high in vitamin C include cantaloupe, oranges, and pineapple. Cuts and scrapes may become infected when bacteria enter the wound, resulting in a skin infection. Some Tips to Consider Melasma, also known as the “mask of pregnancy,” is one skin condition that can develop due to these hormonal changes. Some skin discoloration may require treatment. In most cases, skin discoloration fades after you finish treatment. Soy extract, which is derived from the soybean plant, has been shown to help brighten the skin, … We understand that skin discoloration is often a chronic issue that can be difficult emotionally. Fungal infections, such as ringworm, tinea versicolor, and candida can also trigger discolored skin patches on various parts of the body. They offer a variety of treatments that can quickly and effectively reduce the appearance of skin discoloration. Here’s our process. As we age, our skin changes. All symptoms and skin findings should always evaluated with a thorough consultation and physical examination for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan in order to exclude any underlying serious condition. Your healthcare provider will perform a physical examination and inspect your discolored skin patches. Discolored skin patches also commonly develop in a certain part of the body due to a difference in melanin levels. Many skin changes are harmless. What’s Causing White Spots on My Face and How Can I Treat Them? Some women develop eczema for the first time during pregnancy. It can cause dark patches to form on both sides of the face. Swelling around the area affected by skin discoloration; Itching; Throbbing pain; Varicose or spider veins; Sores that appear scaly and crusty; Hair loss on the ankles or shins; Thickened skin; Risk Factors of Skin Discoloration. Laser therapy treatment is one of the most effective ways to fade and clear the dark … Keep it on the skin for 6-7 minutes and then wash off. This condition is considered a medical emergency. Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. A gray, pale, or bluish tint to the skin can signal health problems that cause a lack of oxygen or blood flow. This leads to changes in the texture of the skin and turns the surrounding skin red or white. you have any lasting changes in your skin color, you notice a new mole or growth on your skin, an existing mole or growth has changed in size or appearance, when you first noticed the change in skin color, whether the discoloration happened slowly or quickly, whether the discoloration is changing or getting worse, any other symptoms you may be experiencing along with discolored skin, blood tests to check for conditions that may cause changes in skin color. There are many potential causes of discolored skin patches, ranging from minor problems to more serious medical conditions. Skin discoloration also can happen if you're experiencing other treatment side effects such as a rash or an injection reaction. Dr. Other conditions and medical treatments that can cause discolored patches on the skin include: You should schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider if: If you’re concerned about your discolored skin patches and don’t already have a dermatologist, you can view doctors in your area through the Healthline FindCare tool. It is easy to prepare a paste of baking powder by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda along with some water. Laser treatment effectiveness can also be a concern for those with certain skin cancers and a history of plastic surgeries. For example, it can be a result of excessive exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays, or it can be a natural side effect of aging. Other causes may be more severe and require ongoing treatment. These tests may include: Treatment for discolored skin patches depends on the underlying cause. These changes may appear as rashes or raised bumps that itch or burn. Acanthosis nigricans is a fairly common skin pigmentation disorder, usually notable for dark patches of skin with a thick, velvety texture. The skin discoloration doesn’t do any physical harm, but you may feel self-conscious about the way it looks. Zocdoc is a free online service that helps patients find doctors for Skin Discoloration and book appointments instantly. Some common types of birthmarks include: Cancer can change the skin’s color or texture. Certain medications can also make your skin more sensitive to the sun so that it’s more likely to turn red. Various infections can cause localized changes in skin color. Some of the more common causes for changes in skin color are illness, injury, and inflammatory problems. IPL (intense pulse light) and ActiveFX are some of the best laser treatments for discoloration. One common allergy that can cause skin discoloration is eczema. Generally, it is harmless, and more of a cosmetic issue where […] Read full article on bleeding into the skin. What is the outlook for someone with discolored skin patches? Laser treatments, like all cosmetic procedures are not 100 percent effective. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. What Causes Eczema During Pregnancy and How Is It Treated? According to a well-accepted classification there are three distinct clinical pictures. All rights reserved. Larger spots benefit from wearing a bandage soaked with castor oil overnight. Treatment of Skin Discoloration Treatment for skin pigmentation discoloration varies depending on the cause. Baking Powder for skin discoloration is a powerful home remedy for treating discolored and dark skin. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Apply this paste all over the skin wherever there are spots. Hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy, can trigger changes in skin color. Here is a list of 18 possible causes. » Top 15 Natural Remedies for Sunspots » Top 10 Ways to Get Rid Of Age Spots from the Face » How to Remove Dark Patches and Spot from the Skin? To learn more about the cause of your skin discoloration and what we can do for you, call Dr. Green at (301) 610-0663 to schedule your appointment, or you can request an appointment online. The skin discoloration may be resolved with medical treatments or home remedies, or a combination of treatments. Sunburns and other types of burns can damage your skin, and when these burns heal, there may be scar tissue that isn’t skin-colored. A Child with Eczema Will Likely Have It for Life, Study Says, Only occurs in people being treated with radiation, Blistering, dryness, itching, and peeling of the skin, Superficial burn on the outermost layer of skin, More severe, blistering burns may occur after extended periods of sun exposure, Usually occurs in skin folds (armpits, buttocks, under breasts, between fingers and toes), Begins with itching, stinging, and burning red rash with wet appearance and dry crusting at the edges, Progresses to cracked and sore skin with blisters and pustules that may become infected with bacteria, Chronic skin disease that goes through cycles of fading and relapse, Relapses may be triggered by spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, sunlight, stress, and the intestinal bacteria, There are four subtypes of rosacea encompassing a wide variety of symptoms, Common symptoms include facial flushing, raised, red bumps, facial redness, skin dryness, and skin sensitivity, Burn severity is classified by both depth and size, First-degree burns: minor swelling and dry, red, tender skin that turns white when pressure is applied, Second-degree burns: very painful, clear, weeping blisters and skin that appears red or has variable, patchy coloration, Third-degree burns: white or dark brown/tan in color, with leathery appearance and low or no sensitivity to touch, Slow-growing white, tan, brown, pink, or red spots on the skin that may be lighter or darker than your normal skin color, Spots may disappear in cold weather and reappear in the spring and summer, Appears hours to days after contact with an allergen, Rash has visible borders and appears where your skin touched the irritating substance, Blisters that weep, ooze, or become crusty, Red or purplish raised mark commonly located on the face, scalp, back, or chest, Appears at birth or in very young children, Gradually gets smaller or disappears as the child ages, Yellow or white scaly patches that flake off, Affected areas may be red, itchy, greasy, or oily, Hair loss may occur in the area with the rash, Occurs when a blood vessel bursts or leaks under the skin, Bleeding into the skin can appear as small dots, called petechiae, or in larger, flat patches, called purpura, The most common cause of bleeding under the skin is injury, but it may also be caused by more serious illness, Always see a doctor about bleeding into the skin that isn’t related to a known injury, or if bleeding is causing excessive swelling or pain, Loss of pigment in the skin due to autoimmune destruction of the cells that give skin its color, Focal pattern: loss of skin color in only a few small areas that may merge together, Segmental pattern: depigmentation on one side of the body, Premature graying of scalp and/or facial hair, Develop in areas of the body that have poor blood flow, most commonly in the feet and lower legs, Painful, irregularly shaped, shallow wounds with crusting and weeping, Raised, firm, and pale areas that may resemble a scar, Dome-like, pink or red, shiny, and pearly areas that may have a sunk-in center, like a crater, Easy bleeding or oozing wound that doesn’t seem to heal, or heals and then reappears, Typically less than 2 cm, or about the size of a pencil eraser, Appears on parts of the body that receive a lot of sun exposure (hands, arms, face, scalp, and neck), Usually pink in color but can have a brown, tan, or gray base, Often occurs in areas exposed to UV radiation, such as the face, ears, and back of the hands, Scaly, reddish patch of skin progresses to a raised bump that continues to grow, Growth that bleeds easily and doesn’t heal, or heals and then reappears, The most serious form of skin cancer, more common in fair-skinned people, Mole anywhere on the body that has irregularly shaped edges, asymmetrical shape, and multiple colors, Mole that has changed color or gotten bigger over time, Common skin condition that causes dark patches to appear on the face and, rarely, the neck, chest, or arms, More common in pregnant women (chloasma) and individuals with darker skin color and heavy sun exposure, No other symptoms beyond skin discoloration, May go away on its own within a year or may become permanent, Harmless skin condition seen at birth (birthmark), Large, flat, gray or blue patches with irregular edges seen on the back and buttock. The immune system normally works to keep the body healthy by fighting off harmful invaders that cause infections and disease. Conditions that cause discolored skin patches, with pictures. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Massage castor oil into your discolored skin when a rough top layer texture is present. Many different conditions can cause discolored skin patches. … If your healthcare provider finds an underlying health condition, they will attempt to treat that particular condition first. Unwanted discoloration and dark spots that develop over time are another story. Facial skin discolorations are common and are usually nothing to worry about. Skin discoloration, be it from sun spots, rashes, infections, or melasma, can be distressing. Discolored skin patches can also develop when you don’t apply sunscreen in a thorough manner, leading to a patchy tan. » Skin Discoloration of Hand – What Will You Do? Some common treatments we prescribe at Aesthetic & Dermatology Center are: Topical treatment Biologic and oral agents Chemical peels Microdermabrasion Microneedling Laser Treatment However, this doesn’t mean that the uneven pigmentation can’t be treated. Birthmarks include: cancer can change the skin and turns the surrounding skin red or white is to... Dark discolored skin spots that develop over time due to these hormonal changes most effective home remedies, milk. With some water discolorations are common and are usually nothing to worry about problem with a wide array potential. Or hyperpigmentation can develop over time due to these hormonal changes, during... Inspect your discolored skin patches, with pictures a rare condition that consists occasional. Size or shape of these spots can signal trouble and should be checked by your provider... So you can determine which treatment is one of the most effective ways to fade and the... 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